We would like to thank Andre McKenzie and the team at WLLS for continuing to show their support for the Hawks.



1A & 1B Ashling Park Road,








Managing Director Andrew McKenzie commented on the deal saying “This is our third season sponsoring the HAWKS and am looking forward to supporting the club for the foreseeable future.  We’ve enjoyed the hospitality in the Platinum Lounge where we sit down, have a drink and bit of food and talk football, then go and watch a game.  Many of our friends have supported the HAWKS for years and its nice to share this passion with them.  As a business we provide water leak detection field services to the water utilities with Portsmouth Water being one of them, and sponsoring the HAWKS shows our support for the local area.”


Hawks Commercial and Events Manager Ellie spoke on WLLS extending their partnership “I’m delighted to have Andy and the team at WLLS renewed with us for the new season as they enter their 3rd year working with us. It’s great for us as a club to continue building on our existing relationships with local companies and being able to work with WLLS for another year is a real pleasure!”


To find out more information about the Commercial Opportunities available, please contact our Commercial and Events Manager Ellie Magri – ellie@havantandwaterloovillefc.co.uk